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Generate multiple perspectives to harness experience from incumbents combined with collective knowledge from ChatGPT for transformative solutions 

EMAReX harness experience from incumbents combined with collective knowledge of ChatGPT for transformative solutions.

Why multiple perspectives are necessary for better problem-solving

Multiple perspectives are necessary for better problem-solving because they provide a more complete and nuanced understanding of a situation or problem. By considering different viewpoints, experiences, and knowledge, we can identify blind spots and limitations in our own thinking and develop more creative and effective solutions. Multiple perspectives also help to ensure that solutions are inclusive and take into account the needs and perspectives of all stakeholders, rather than just a narrow group. Additionally, diverse perspectives can spark innovation and creativity, leading to new ideas and opportunities that may not have been considered otherwise. Overall, multiple perspectives lead to more comprehensive and informed problem-solving, improving the chances of success and reducing the risk of unintended consequences

Current methods of generating perspectives are limited

But how do we generate multiple perspectives in problem-solving? One approach is to create a diverse team by recruiting individuals with different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. Another approach is to consult with experts, conduct research, and gather input from stakeholders. Brainstorming techniques, design thinking, and other tools can also encourage collaboration and generate a wide range of ideas.


However, these methods may be resource-intensive, time-consuming, and costly. EMAReX is our solution to this challenge. EMAReX leverages the experience and knowledge of incumbents who are already in-house and readily available. Then combine with the collective knowledge available in ChatGPT. Thus forming a coherent insight of the subject that is coherent with holistic insights to enable the team to cohesively discuss and solve problems.

Generating perspectives means thinking outside of our mental box

When we think about the subject, our perspectives are limited to within our usual thinking box as illustrated in figure. This is where we mentally operate most of the time. It’s a challenge to think outside this mental box without special effort, training, or mental aids. Currently, there are limited tools that can be used to generate more diverse perspectives; one of which is the Six Thinking Hats method, developed by Edward de Bono, but limited to six perspectives.


While we are exhorted to “think outside the box” for creative ideas, we lack effective methods or mental aids to break out of our mental box.

When we think about a subject, our perspectives are limited to within our usual thinking box.

EMARFER Frames – systematically generate divergence in perspectives

Recognising this problem, we developed EMARFER Frames as a method to systematically generate divergence in perspectives, that are conceptually orthogonal, functionally interdependent and diverges recursively to form a multi-perspective grid to explore the subject.


As shown in figure, the EMARFER Frames extend out of the mental box to comprehensively spread over the subject, enabling a more thorough analysis.


Each of the EMARFER Frames is then used to systematically prompt a person, either individually or working together as a team, to think out of their usual mental box, in order to explore the subject more comprehensively.

EMARFER Frames systematically generate divergence in perspectives to form a multi-perspective grid to explore the subject.

EMAReX – a tool to extract experience forming coherent insight of subject

EMAReX is a tool that we developed to extract experiences from an individual or a team to then reconstruct the experiences into a proper re-usable form of a coherent insight.

Experience, knowledge and information are compartmentally processed. The retrieval is a Prompt-Response process.

Experience, unlike knowledge, is acquired through execution of tasks, after which it is tacitly stored and remain ineffable till it is prompted by a related event. The brain manages experience, knowledge, and information quite differently, and are compartmentally processed, shown on the diagram.

The retrieval of experience is a Prompt-Response process. Different prompts are needed for different compartment to respond.  Most practiced is the use of query to stimulate the information compartment to respond with facts, but that is about all a query can do; it is not able to solicit response from the other compartments. Similarly, the prompt for knowledge compartment is topic; a topic will activate the knowledge compartment in search of an explanation. Interestingly, the prompt for experience is concept, and the response from the experience compartment manifest itself into insights.

EMAReX with experienced person

With this understanding, we designed EMAReX to apply the EMARFER Frames to form conceptual prompts to extract the experiences from an experienced individual or a team of experienced individuals to extract their experiences as insights.

EMAReX systematically trawl the brain for experience that otherwise remain dormant.

This approach allows us to systematically trawl the brain for experience that otherwise remain dormant. The image on the left illustrates the result of EMAReX with an experience person. The prompt for each frame is represented by a blue star and the response is represented by the blue circle. The size of the circles represents the depth of experience in the frame. Blank frames with blue stars are frames where there is no experience.


Interestingly, the responses from the experienced person may contain new questions that were not initially thought of, suggesting new insights for investigation, represented by the yellow stars.

Experiential control is necessary to assure that the response is experience and not knowledge.

Current problem – experiences are not truly shared in team deliberations

We may think that experience is shared over a team discussion of topics and queries, but without proper conceptual prompt, the exchanges are at most mere knowledge of their experience.  Topics and queries do little to help members relate to their experience, let alone extract and articulate in forms that others could benefit.


Especially if the subject requires a fair proportion of experience, such deliberations will not be effective in delivering good outcome.  The difficulty is not any lack of experience, but the inability to articulate them appropriately relevantly.  Afterall, experience is known to be ineffable.


What is required is experiential control to maintain a team discussion at experience level, coach the discipline and quality control of the process to result in collective sharing of experiences.

EMAReX solution – synergising experience of the team

With EMAReX generating the appropriate prompt for experience, the team can now generate insights from their experience, and these insights can in turn be used as concept to draw out more insights from different experience.  EMAReX sessions conducted in this manner allows the team to achieved very insightful collective convergence.


The result is a team single coherent insight of the subject. It is a collective understanding of the subject of the team offering concise communications, reduces misunderstanding, speeds deliberations, leading to more effective decisions. Interestingly, the EMAReX sessions are themselves a journey of experience transfer amongst the team members.

Mining the collective knowledge of ChatGPT

Recently there is significant interest in ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence language model that can hold human-like conversations and provide responses based on its collective knowledge.

By using the EMARFER Frames to form prompts, ChatGPT can be systematically queried for the collective knowledge on the subject.

EMAReX offers an effective way to work with ChatGPT to mine its massive storehouse of collective knowledge. By using the EMARFER Frames to form prompts , ChatGPT can be systematically queried for knowledge on the subject illustrated by the figure.


The responses from ChatGBT vary in degree depending on the information it has on that frame. Interestingly, the responses from ChatGBT may contain new questions that we were not aware before, suggesting new insights for investigation.

Due to the EMARFER Frames, the responses from ChatGPT now comprehensively explores the subject. Resulting in significantly more knowns than queries by an individual from within the mental box as shown by the figure.


With EMARFER Frames forming the queries to ChatGPT, we can now systematically access ChatGPT’s collective knowledge to expand our known of the subject.

Without EMARFER Frames we are not able to go significantly outside our mental box to form queries to ChatGPT on a subject.

EMAReX combined with ChatGPT

The most exciting and transformative outcome is when we combine the experience extracted from incumbents, either individually or as a team, with the responses from ChatGPT. Resulting in holistic understanding and insights into the subject, illustrated below.

The most exciting and transformative outcome is when we combine the experience extracted from incumbents, either individually or as a team, with the responses from ChatGPT. Resulting in holistic understanding and insights into the subject.

Most of the responses from ChatGPT (yellow circles) compliments the retrieved experience (blue circles) from incumbents, significantly expanding the overall known in each frame. The collective knowledge from ChatGPT has also filled in the grid spaces where the individuals did not have experience, so there are now fewer gaps. Furthermore, incumbents and ChatGPT has prompted new questions presenting insightful opportunities for exploration.

Power of combined coherent insight

With EMAReX, we have constructed a rich coherent insight of subject comprising of experience of incumbents combined with the collective knowledge of ChatGPT.


This coherent insight is coherent by design. It is characterised by orderedness in its many dimensions, where consistency is maintained throughout. Each component known exhibit mutual support and support the unity of outcome of the subject.


The coherent insight offers holistic perspective of subject to form comprehensive insights. While the EMARFER frames systematically interconnect the interdependent concepts, the frames diverge to “dive-out” of the subject for more perspectives.


The insights from the coherent insight, like experience, are behavioural. Solutions that direct behaviour change rather than physicality or technology advance, are game-changing as they change the behaviour naturally rather than by enforcement.


Interestingly, the EMAReX sessions are themselves a journey of experience transfer amongst the participating team members. At the end of the session, the members form a team single coherent insight. This common insight allow concise communication, reduces misunderstanding, speeds-up deliberations, leading to more effective decisions.

EMAReX harness experience from incumbents combined with collective knowledge of ChatGPT for transformative solutions

In conclusion, generating more perspectives of the subject is critical to effective problem-solving. By including diverse perspectives, businesses can create more comprehensive and innovative solutions that are inclusive and equitable. As businesses face increasingly complex problems, the importance of multiple perspectives cannot be underestimated.


By embracing EMAReX with its use of EMARFER Frames to generate divergence in perspectives holistically exploring the subject, we leverage the experience of the incumbents with the collective knowledge of ChatGPT. The resultant coherent insight is coherent by design, offers holistic perspectives staging for game-changing solutions. An additional benefit is improved team proficiency and cohesiveness for more effective decision making.


While current methods of generating perspectives are resource-intensive, time-consuming, and costly, EMAReX utilise the experience of incumbents and collective knowledge of ChatGPT.


The EMAReX coherent insight is unmatched in its holistic perspectives of the subject as it is constructed from the experience from incumbents combined with the collective knowledge of ChatGPT. With this coherent insight, businesses can solve complex problems, overcome challenges, and thrive in today's competitive market. Please contact us to get started.

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